My first pedicure and different head dress!
It really good at this time of age cause i cannot do anything and all servicing comes from my mummy and daddy. Mummy even provide menicure and pedicure. The bambo chair serve the purpose very well.. look....
Mummy and daddy also try out different head dress for me.. so that i look more female. Many pple like to say i am BOY...BOY... But i am not!!! Angry!!!! Maybe becos i still yet to have lots of hair.. Check out the headress...
Head band... ( looks good )
Sun Hat... ( looks ok but too big now.. mama a bit kiasu so she bought a bigger size. )
Self Improvise... ( cheapest of all option - just use the diaper cloth..Ha..Ha... )
Wow Yu Jie good gal.. let u cut her nails like tat ah.. hehe i always got to wait for XR to sleep liao then can cut... hehe :)
Cool guestbook, interesting information... Keep it UP
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