Back again..My first shopping trip to Takashimaya
Finally, my mummy and papa decided to take me out for shopping at Takashimaya.. Going there is the best and there are nursing aroung there... in case i pee pee and poo poo...
First time in my life, i see so many lights and pple moving around but i kind of "shock"...
but after a while, i am all laughing for a while only... ( I did cry later refusing to sit on the stroller and end up papa have to carry me.. Did not take photo and so busy, where got time to time photo !!!! )
After the shopping, i also took my first ride in Singapore mass transit ( aka North East line ).. I bery Kauy lei..did not cry in the train... maybe becos mummy carry me....
happy ah yu jie can go shopping hee hee :p
he look so happy goin out to shopping.... :)
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