Thursday, December 25, 2008

HK trip - Nov 08

Finally I can take the plane... papa n mama bought me to HK for holiday...
Phew, we got free air tickets tis round, realli save alot$$. N Auntie Annie recommended a nice apartment at TST... is well located n good facilities... comes with DVD player, so i can watch my "Silly Story", "Busy Town" VCDs there keke!

at T3 Changi airport... see my breadfast?

Movie and eating time

Our apartment at TST, it comes with a sofa bed, kitchen...

Monday, November 17, 2008

Hair cut!

My hair cut experience! Really stressful! haha

Mine Mini-Zoo

My mini-zoo at home... With all my CARs collection..

My Potty Chart

My personnal Potty chart...( Made by mama)... By the way, this chart is already FULL.. Working on second one...

Monday, November 10, 2008

new "toys"

papa made these for me...

Boat/ Ship/ Ark - I am rowing a boat and singing "row row boat" song

All the animals in my Ark... aka Noel's Ark - is my favor story/ book recently

Paper cutting - can u tell wat they r?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Another Milestones?

Last night I told papa at abt 2am, I want go pass urine... so papa did bring me to toilet, n I realli passed urine n alot leh. Hmm... I am night-trained?
This morning, I told papa I wan to pass urine 3x n I did leh... so I got 4stars from papa hehe!

These few weeks, I have been sleeping alone at night... some days papa wan to sleep with me, I chase him off or give him a kick... opps... see I am Big Girl liao!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Meet the Parents day on 20 Sep 08

today we gone meet my teachers, Liu Lau shi and teacher Chandra. This is the 2nd times this year.

Teachers said I am bery sharp at obeservation and good at school work... best in class, even better then my senior hehe!

But but hor... teacher also said i bery bad temper leh! Cannot let ppl touch my things and share my toys...etc

After meeting my teachers, we went to Pasir Ris Park, mama n I walked there. But papa drove there...

We rented a tandam bicycle, papa and mama cycled me around the park. I enjoyed leh, I was singing songs during the ride :-) So papa decided I am 'qualified' to take a back seat in a bicycle, and he wanted to buy 1 bicycle with a seat for me. Hooray!

And we did buy on Sun evening, but this round, I refused to sit on the cycle to let papa lobang cos not mama infront leh. (I thought last round was mama lobang me de?) Mama jia you, wait for u to lobang me to school soon hor...

This week, mama was quite amazed with my language skill leh... I know how to use "AND" to connect 2 different objects and do "correction" of mama n papa's mistakes leh! I also showed mama what are the objects that are the SAME... I will go all the way out to find the other similar objects to show her... hehe

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Botanic Garden Children playground

Standing on one leg... hehe.. Actually, i am really "Yin chin" having sand on my feet.

Me under the waterfall.. If you can see...

Trait Walking

Playtime.. .Really Hot day so it is good for a good splash..

Meal Time.... Ribena!! COLD want!

Our Family Food... Poor us.. Three of us only this little food

When can i eat ah???

Finally.... Cheeky


East Coast Park

Visit to East Coast Park... Quite some time back

Some Lousy camera man take this photo

Nice Sky..


At school

At home

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My school

Teacher Catherine, Teacher Alice (Principal)

1st few days of school

Monday, July 14, 2008

Yujie 2YO birthday party at school

hey all
this is my party at school... i jus joined the school for only 3days.
(back dated posting... hehe! my bday on Jan lah)