Friday, November 23, 2007

Running around in the house..

That's me running in around in the house...

NTUC shopping

Little Me roaming inside the NTUC with a bag...

Mama, i want Yakult... Please!

Wondering what are those... Papa, can i take one??

Fish Farm Outing

My first visit to Fish farm near to Pasir Ris wafer fab park...

That's me disturbing the fishes

Friday, November 02, 2007

Encounter with CAT

Close encounter with a cat... But "he" bo chap me... Angry!!!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Zoo...Here i come!

Papa and mama bring me to the zoo for the first time... So excited! Horay
Here i am roaming around the ticketing area... Where is mama and papa?? ophs!

Looking at the parrot!! And weather HOT lei!!

Where is the pigmy hippo?? Nothing but fish!

See the white tiger behind!!! I am really at Zoo...

At the Kangroo enclosure... hehe..

That's me walking towards the elephant enclosure

Watching the elephant show!