Monday, December 18, 2006

Wave bye bye to papa

Finally, i understand what does papa and mama mean by bye bye... i must wave my arm to say bye bye..
I did it and it an milestone towards growing up!!!

Yu Jie new toy

Papa bought me a new rubber toy.. porcuepine..
Initially, i was quite puzzled what was that... so i did a bit of testing using my finger...
Look at the video and you will understand.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Yu Jie go to Ikea tampines

Finally, papa and mama bring me to our neighbourhood latest attraction- IKEA Tampines.. Basically, it is quite near to my house but we still drive there.. need to buy some stuff so, you know...

Preparing myself in the entrance.. Need to put on sweater... a bit COLD there..

Staring at the camera and another "UGLY" sitting poisture.. Haha

Video of me in IKEA