Thursday, September 14, 2006

Searching for my toy

Papa and mama bought an plastic toy container from IKEA to put all my toys.. Hee..Hee.. It is RED in color and of course, it is bery attractive now to me... Look at me digging inside the container..

Listening to Papa bed time story telling

Refer to the Youtube link to see i really concentrating on listening to papa bed time story..Hee..Hee

Friday, September 08, 2006

Me on dress

Nanny bought me two dresses from the Pasar Malam.... So happy.. But me just cannot stay still for a proper photo pose...


WANT.. (look like Pyjamas.. hehe )

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Finally.. i am almost recover. No more fever, running nose and LS. You name it, i have it.. I guess i am strongeer now. Haha.. Am i right???

So happy that i am reunion with my KUKU car... Haha.. And as SEXY as before... Haha.. Also naughty

But Hor, i lost abt 100g during the event... so sad.. Now must eat more to regain back and got to make sure it is CLEAN !!!! PAPA and MAMA, pls take note... OK!!!